sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2006


i'm lookin around darkness...

what can i see? nothing, obvious; i don't have Night vision...If only i had it! but i didn't...

well... i always say that i'm a nocturnal animal...maybe...

i had been thinking about so many things, a better future... i want to believe in miracles; i know God try us most of the time and he would reward us if we passed his riddles..

this night, i wanna dream... i wanna dream with a better day than other days; i did mistakes but, who has never did a mistake? we are human being after all...

i wanna dream with the girl of my dreams...i don't know who she is...maybe you...or you..you can be also...i don't know...

i almost fell asleep... i wanna dream with you...

i can see myself, but i cannot see my future;
it's blurry...just like you tearing eyes...
don't cry my sweetheart, the nightmare is over...
i'll be here for you;
anytime you wish...
everyday you want...
just trust me...
and i'll give you my heart...
just trust me...
and trust my true love...
because my love is clear...
just like your eyes,
when there is no tear...

1 comentario:

Pepeluche dijo...

hola tenshi...

sabes... cundo veo tu foto... me recuerda al profesor snape


