lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013


Odio no tener el valor suficiente de expandir mis límites :C

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Drivin' me nuts

Altough my "normal" life has eventually becoming stabilized, I still feel that something is wrong but I don't really know what. I'm slowly lacking interest in my job and in people -it's like they can't offer me anything new. Am I losing hope? I wouldn't like it.

Me estoy convirtiendo en lo que solía ser en la media; alguien que buscaba desesperadamente un apoyo pero que al mismo huía de ello, sin entender por qué. Me encuentro sin rumbo, como un pedazo de madera que solo se deja llevar por las aguas.

Despite the fact of having someone who 'still' loves me, I don't want her to do so, because we don't share the same feelings. Anyways, our 'chemistry' is kinda good (IYKWIM).

I think I need new goals or a new objective in a medium to long-term.

Could anyone help me?

I don't think so... anyways, I ought to keep on.